“OK, Mr. Lin, he and Hudson, who are known, may still be friends.(行,林木先生,他和赫德森馆主是认识的,或许还是朋友。)”
赫德森馆主也惊喜的问,“Unbelievably, how do you know we know each other?(难以置信,你是如何知道我们认识的?)”
“First, he was very skillful when he asked you questions, and he was familiar with the two rooms. Second, when he proposed that the theft should be solved by ourselves, the owner of the Hudson Pavilion agreed unconditionally. If you were not friends, I don't think the owner of the Hudson Pavilion would agree to his proposal so easily.(第一,刚才询问大家的时候,他表现得很娴熟,而且对这两间屋子也很熟悉,第二,当他提出失窃事件由我们自己解决的时候,赫德森馆主毫无条件的同意了,如果你们不是朋友,我想赫德森馆主不会这么轻易同意他的提议。)”
“But that doesn't prove they're thieves.(但是,这也不能证明他们就是盗窃者啊。)”爱德华警官说,“ Lin may be a policeman, so skilled at asking visitors.(或许,林也是警察,所以询问参观者才那么娴熟呢。)”
“No, Mr. Lin is not a policeman, and he knows the same thing as officer Edward.(不,林木不是警察,而且他和爱德华警官你也同样认识)”